Fish Recipe For Thai Salmon Chilli Skewers

Fish recipe for Thai salmon chilli skewers make an ideal lunch treat or can be served easily on the weekend at a family BBQ. It makes a refreshing treat and salmon is good for you especially when served with a salad or rice.

Is salmon good for you?
 A serving of salmon, three to four ounces is about 200 calories. It’s very low in saturated fat and a good source of protein. It’s also one of the best sources of vitamin B12. It’s also bursting in potassium and other nutrients like iron and vitamin D. There is another great recipe for pot salmon you should check out.

Is salmon healthy to eat everyday?
The American Heart Association maintains that eating two servings a week of oily fish (like salmon) can help healthy adults ward off sudden cardiac death, thanks to the protective effects of omega-3 fatty acids. For more ideas of recipes look at collections of fish recipes.

Is it safe to eat a lot of salmon?
Fish and shellfish in this category, such as salmon, catfish, tilapia, lobster and scallops, are safe to eat two to three times a week, or eight to twelve ounces per week, according to the FDA.

Is salmon healthier than chicken?
While they are both excellent sources of protein and add to your nutrient profile, the benefits of fish tend to be slightly higher than chicken, especially when it comes to the Omega-3 content in it.

What happens if you eat salmon every day?
As for how much fish to eat, consuming at least two servings of salmon per week can help meet your omega-3 fatty acid needs. Salmon is rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and decrease risk factors for disease.

Thai salmon chilli skewers
You will love the Thai flavours marinated with the salmon. And they’re easy to do! Especially if you have sweet chilli sauce, which is a mainstay in every kitchen. You can use any brand as there are plenty of good sweet chilli sauces out there. It’s something we use all the time. Coat your salmon in it, then skewer portions with scallions, grill them, and top with toasted sesame oil, toasted sesame seeds, and cilantro. (If you don’t like cilantro, feel free to leave it out.) If you’re familiar with the kitchen, they’ll take even less than 30 minutes to make, you even have time to cook the rice!

Four filets (4 oz.) salmon, sliced into chunks
Salt & pepper to taste
One bunch of green onions, peeled and chopped into 1 to 2-inch pieces.
One cup sweet chilli sauce & extra to serve as a topping
One tbsp coconut butter
Two tbsp cilantro, finely chopped
One tablespoon sesame oil, roasted
One tablespoon sesame seeds, roasted
Two sliced limes

Season the salmon with salt and pepper in a mixing dish, then toss with the sweet chilli sauce to coat well. Start and end with the salmon chunks, skewering them with around 3 or 4 pieces of green onion in between (you can use 4 to 5 salmon chunks per skewer). If desired, stir with a bit of additional chilli sauce.

Heat the coconut oil in a large skillet or grill pan over medium-high heat. In a skillet, saute the skewers until they are opaque and brown on all sides, about 1 to 2 minutes per side. Remove the salmon from the pan and set it aside on a platter. Drizzle the toasted sesame oil on top, then sprinkle the cilantro and sesame seeds on top. Finish with a lime spritz. Serve with lime wedges and more chilli sauce on the side. Add a green salad or serve with rice.

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